Administrative Law Section

Who We Are

The Administrative Law Section is composed of government and privately-employed lawyers and administrative law judges practicing administrative law before a host of government agencies. Our members are keenly interested in the quality of Oregon’s administrative justice system.

What We Do

As our newest project, the Administrative Law Section spearheaded the addition of agency final orders to the Fastcase legal research tool.  The section is actively engaged in up-dating the data and expanding the number of agencies with final orders published in Fastcase’s searchable data base.  This project was funded by membership dues and fueled by the hard work of section members.  Our goal is to make agency final orders easily accessible to practitioners.  Click on the “OSB Site” button and then login to use Fastcase to search agency final orders.

Since its inception in 2000, the Administrative Law Section has provided educational materials for our members. Our desk book,Oregon Administrative Law is a comprehensive administrative law text (OSB CLE 2010). Click on the “Books & Programs” button to learn more about this publication.

The Administrative Law Section continues to publish our newsletters on a quarterly basis. Newsletters highlight new developments in administrative law and provide a forum for members to communicate about administrative law issues. Our newsletters supplement Oregon Administrative Law with up-to-date information on evolving case law, rule changes, legislation, and useful practice tips. With the newly added indices for the newsletters, it is easy to find important information addressed in the newsletters. Click on the “Newsletters” button to learn more about the section’s newsletters and their indices.

The Administrative Law Section has also provided a much needed voice in the development of administrative law in Oregon. For its law improvement activities, the section has pursued three important goals:

  • Oregonians have access to administrative justice; 
  • Hearings are conducted by well-qualified, impartial administrative law judges;
  • There are fair procedures for administrative hearings and judicial review proceedings.

Accordingly, the section works diligently each legislative session to provide the legislature and the Oregon State Bar with the section’s expertise on important issues affecting the practice of administrative law.

The Administrative Law Section also works with the Department of Justice, recommending changes that would improve the procedural rules for contested case hearings.

The Administrative Law Section has provided opportunities for addressing current and controversial topics of particular interest to administrative law practitioners. The section hosts a “Candidate’s Forum,” which has allowed our members to hear from and interact with candidates running for attorney general and the legislature. The section also provides panel discussions and seminars on the latest administrative law issues.

The coming year will provide more opportunities for section members to become involved in the section’s activities. The Administrative Law Section invites you to join us in improving the practice of administrative law in Oregon.

Executive Committee Members

This information is maintained on the bar’s website at: 

Joining the Section

Membership Dues:$20
Send your dues to:
Account # 844
OSB Accounting
PO Box 231935
Tigard, OR 97281-1935